My study abroad experience has been amazing and I am definitely not ready to head home. Customs will be dragging me out of the country at this point because I never want to leave. My experience so far has truly been a rollercoaster and I can’t wait to see what’s to come. With the time zone combined with the busy schedule I have it’s been harder than ever to keep in touch. I decided that while I have been keeping the people in my life up to date using my blog and social media channels, I want to send something more personal.
After the first few weeks here, I collected some of my favorite photos from the trip so far. I have discovered this great invitation website that has the cutest customizable postcards. They have so many options for everything from business cards to wedding invitations so their site is definitely worth checking out. I’m thinking of making another at the end of my study abroad to keep for decorating my apartment this summer. Here’s a rundown of the photos I selected for my postcard and a few great moments from my London study abroad so far!
London Tea
I am a person who refuses to drink coffee and only drinks tea (if anything). Back in the US, that hasn’t been the best for my aesthetic because it seems that everyone on Instagram is obsessed with posting chic photos of themselves drinking coffee or getting a cappuccino with brunch. The move to London has opened up new photo opportunities with me because of how much tea is offered here. The cute teapots are something I am going to miss when I head back home and I definitely anticipated this part of my study abroad experience
Putting the “Study” in Study Abroad
This photo has a hilarious story that goes with it. I wanted to get some work done and knew I would focus best in a coffee shop but most closed around 8 or 9. After a quick google search of “late night coffee shops” and this one came up. I had no clue when I walked up to it that it’s notorious for its nightlife as well. This sign was something that I could not ignore so I went downstairs because why not? I’m headed to Paris on Friday so a French lesson could be helpful…
It was a cocktail bar downstairs and a few people were there on dates or with friends having some drinks. I would have felt stupid to leave after buying a tea so I awkwardly pulled up my computer and got to work. Probably the nerdiest thing I have done since I’ve been here. You could say I really put the study in study abroad. I also have to point out that I was pretty productive that night as well. I think it was the loud music that helped, they had a great playlist xx
I had to include a photo of how beautiful walking through London is in my postcard. I was on a trip with a class when I obnoxiously stopped to take this photo and then ran to catch up with everyone. The walk to class in this city has been much more interesting than what I’m used to at Notre Dame. There’s so much to see along the way and many places to stop for a snack or a break between classes. The beauty I am surrounded by is something I will cherish when I think back on my study abroad experience.
Camden Market
This is definitely the best place I have been for food since I began my study abroad experience. I love food markets here because they have the most eclectic collection of options I have ever experienced and even great options for vintage shopping as well. I will definitely be coming back because there is always something new to try at a place like this.