Paris!! The cities name itself takes everyone’s mind to the romantic streets of this beautiful city. Everybody wants to achieve the chic and effortless vibe of the Parisienne woman. So when you are visiting, you have to steal her look and take lots of photos! I always pack for travel with the people of the city in mind. When I travel, I want to live like the people there do although the claws of tourism pretty much always get a hold on me. At least I can make it look like I am one of them.
This city probably has more monuments and attractions than anywhere else I have been. Every corner there is something you have to take a photo of. My friends and I did our research on the best places to visit and take photos of and I want to share my trip with you by telling you where you have to take photos when you travel to Paris.
Your Home in Paris
I always love to post my first photo in a new city outside of where I am staying. It usually happens naturally as after getting dressed and ready for a day exploring the town I want to get an outfit pic and let everyone know that I have arrived! We stayed in a cute Airbnb located in the center of the city and this was the first photo of the trip. The best part of staying in someone else’s home is it gives you a glimpse into some cool cultural differences.
First look! Had on such a Parisienne plaid skirt
Polaroid taken in our flat feat. a Chanel book
Pierre Herme
When you go to Paris, everyone (including Blair Waldorf) tells you to visit L’audree. I tell them that I’d rather spend time at Pierre Herme. L’audree is beautiful and delicious but we have it in New York and London so I see no point in going. Pierre Herme is less of a tourist destination in Paris and feels almost more authentic because of its scarcity. Green and orange is the color scheme and the macarons are delicious. You have to try chocolate!
One for the road x
I have been to Paris before and, to be completely honest, had not heard of this Basilica. I was definitely missing out! We hiked up many stairs until we reached the top of what felt like a mountain. From there you can look at and see the entire city, the Eiffel Tower looked amazing from this point of view. The view was something that my photography skills could never capture.
I tried lol
The basilica itself was stunning and even looks like it sits on a throne overlooking the entire city. I can’t believe I missed this one on my past trips to Paris and when you go you have to give it a visit! I just wish I had gone earlier in the day to avoid the crowds in the background. If you can make that happen it would be ideal!
La Seine
What’s a European city without a central river? It was pretty chilly weather on the day that I visited this site but we still made it out to see it. It is also very close to Notre Dame and a few other important sites so it should be easy to pass by this one. Took a quickie pic here on our last day!
Obviously, you can’t miss this one. With how unique the architecture is around it, you don’t even have to go inside to get the chance to look at the works of great artists. You still have to go inside and take a peek into the past by checking out some of the great paintings there. Also, if you are under 26, entry is free on Fridays so definitely go at that time! Don’t expect to be awestruck by the Mona Lisa though, that one really is just all about the hype. This would have been a great place to take outfit pics so next time I am here I want to make sure to do that!
Eiffel Tower
I saved the best for last because umm obviously you can’t miss the Eiffel Tower. When I went in the summer they had a lot more grassy space to have picnics. In the winter, it is harder to get those iconic pictures but we still made it work. It’s also just a great place to sit down with a street crepe and watch people walk by. Can you tell how excited this location made me…
One More Paris Thing You Just Can’t Miss…
This is another Paris site that I had never been to! It is not necessarily a photo location but a part of the countries history that is so fascinating. The line is shortest on Friday afternoon so that is the time to go! It holds the remains of millions of people and their bones are stacked in such an intriguing way. The audio guide is a must because it gives you all the details making the experience a little bit less terrifying. They used to have parties down there amongst the remains so maybe bring a boombox along?
The song I couldn’t stop listening to…