In 1992, The Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans that day. It was argued that the act must have been consensual because the jeans were so tight that she must have removed them herself. Women who were in the Italian court at the time wore denim the next day to stand in solidarity with this victim and all other victims of sexual assault. Ever since Denim Day has been celebrated internationally to make a statement against the destructive rape culture that still plagues our society.
Today I am wearing denim because I believe that no matter what a person is wearing there is no excuse for sexual violence. We can eradicate rape culture one person at a time by simple acts to raise awareness. Check out for more information on the cause.
Jacket: Vintage and reworked by me (patch)
Shirt: Topshop
Jeans: Closed
Heels: Kenneth Cole (similar)