Band shirts really do go with everything. With summer coming to an end, my set of graphic t-shirts are starting to grow tired of the constant wear and tear. What can I say? They’re the perfect way to personalize an outfit by adding a sample of one’s personal music choices. I had a few doubts about purchasing this set just because it was a little revealing, but adding this basic underneath made it more wearable. Being home for a week is always a nice treat because I get to see my friends and just relax.
The bold twists and turns of this look are so cool against the backdrop of Detroit. I thought it was so cool that we found these steps that literally led to nowhere. I’m guessing they were set up simply for “The Gram” but they still got me thinking. I am looking forward to all of the back to school looks I’ll be shooting in the next month once I get settled into my home away from home (Notre Dame!!).