After seeing so many cool things during fashion week, I always immediately want to wear as much from the shows as possible. I happened to buy this skirt from Bloomingdales a few days before the shows started. Now that I’ve seen all the cool ways designers and street style stars are wearing the high-slit skirt, this will be in my rotation much more often. I got lucky with this purchase!
If you can’t tell by now I’m a fan of band t-shirts and this is my second blog post that features a Guns and Roses one. I titled this post “Use Your Illusion” because that is the album that this shirt is from. I love that you can wear a band shirt with virtually anything and it will still look cool. Dressed up with a skirt or dressed down with jeans a shirt this type of shirt never disappoints me.
Music is something I take very seriously. I swear against wearing a band t-shirt for a band I don’t listen to because I see that as a huge disrespect to the musicians and their fan base. I have been led to begin listening to a band on multiple occasions because of the popularity of their vintage merchandise. I also always avoid wearing a t-shirt for any musician younger than my parents (sorry, Beiber (but not really)). I decided to borrow from the boys on this one as I pulled this from the men’s section.
Jacket: Theory (similar)
Skirt: Kendall + Kylie
T-Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Choker: Urban Outfitters
Bracelet: Kitsch
Photos by Christian Brunner Lopez