These handbags have become the wardrobe staple that everyone either has or wants. So that leaves me wondering, why haven’t I found mine yet?? Getting a woven handbag for summer is definitely near the top of my shopping list. Cult Gaia is the first brand I saw that made this style a trademark and I have only seen the trend grow since. I have always admired this brand because of its ability to tap into this niche at the perfect time and grow like crazy. Now everyone can’t keep their hands off this bag and you have definitely seen it on your Instagram feed!
I love the Cult Gaia bags so much but a lot of the time I like to stray from the beaten path. This has led me to myself browse a few different websites for the perfect woven handbags for summer and this is why I want to introduce you guys to shopping on Amazon. They have literally everything and offer so many price points for any budget. You can do all of your shopping on this site at once! The one issue with Amazon is that it can be overwhelming with all of the options that they have so I will be bringing you their best products starting with these woven handbags for summer.
Classic Circle
This is the best woven handbag for summer 2018 in my opinion. It is such an essential piece that will blend into so many outfits easily. So many of the top retailers currently have their own version of this bag so it should be pretty easy for you to pick up yours.
Linen Interior Round Woven Bag HERE / $50
The Cult Gaia Look-Alike
If you still want to buy into this trend but don’t want to spend the cash on it there are so many dupes on Amazon for this style. It is pretty easily replicable since it doesn’t include a logo meaning that a lot of companies have made their own versions of this. I even saw some photos of people finding the Cult Gaia dupes on a trip to Bali so this trend has definitely gone worldwide. Also, you can get it in every color in the rainbow. How cool is that?
Bamboo Handbag $40 / HERE
1-6 Acrylic Arc Handbag $90 / HERE
The Designer Take
Almost all of the designer brands at this point from Kate Spade to Gucci have created their own version of this bag. Woven handbags for summer are such a big trend that everyone has been trying to get on board! The Prada one is definitely my favorite but so many other brands have done a great job at coming up with structured and sophisticated designs. These options are obviously more of an investment but if you want a trendier designer bag this is a great direction to go in.
Prada Straw Bag $1,550 / HERE (look for less)
Soft Woven Handbag
Wearing this around a city or your hometown will make your day-to-day routine feel like a beach vacation. This is the most casual option but you will have room for everything you need. An easygoing piece like this is the woven handbag for summer that could last you a lifetime. I predict that because of how perfect this one is for the beach, you will be able to keep this one for at least a few years. These are the most affordable option so I definitely think they are a good option to go for.
Woven Braid Beach Bag $12.87 / HERE
And So Many More!
I had too many favorites to share for this blog post! Here are six really great options that I am also obsessed with. These woven bags for summer are ultra-feminine and so chic. If I had room in my closet for every single one I would buy them all. These ones are a bit more unique than what I recommended above. If you are looking to stand out while following the trends, these options are for you. I love the combination of leather and straw textures all coming together in one bag. I also think a bow is a great addition to a woven handbag because it emphasizes femininity. That’s a few reasons why I chose to add these ones.
Black Top Handle, $28.99 / HERE | Net Staud Dupe $49.99 / HERE | Soft Bow Bag $19.99 / HERE | Structured Bow Bag $35.99 / HERE | Straw Basket Bag $85 / HERE | White Leather Bag $28.99 / HERE
There were so many woven handbags for summer that I found but these are definitely the best option! Since this is a growing trend, it is evolving so much that there is always going to be something new on the market. There is really a great piece for everyone whether you have a feminine or edgy look. My style always floats between the two so I am going to be a lookout for multiple different types of woven handbags. Which options are you loving the most?
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